Diocesan Lenten Retreat, April 5, 2025, Keynote Speaker Very Rev. Fr. Matthew Conjelko, Sponsor National ACRY
Diocesan Lenten Retreat, April 5, 2025 Flier
The Central Region Diocesan Retreat will be held on Saturday, April 5, 2025, in our St. Nicholas Church and Parish Hall. The retreat will begin with an Akathist Service at 10:00 AM and conclude with Vespers at 4:00PM. This year's Retreat Master will be Rev. Fr. Matthew Conjelko for the adults and Rev. Fr. David Urban for our children.
A free will offering will be collected for our Continental Breakfast and Light Lunch. We kindly ask parishioners of St. Nicholas to sign their names on the designated list in the parish hall.
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Annunciation of the Theotokos
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