
THE MEN’S CLUB IS SPONSORING THIS YEAR’S MOTHER’S DAY DINNER ON MAY 14! The Gentlemen of St. Nicholas are planning a finger-licking good Fried Chicken Repast in honor of all our Mothers, Grandmothers, Great Grandmothers, God-Mothers and all Godly women of the parish. A free-will offering shall be in effect

"But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth". (I John 3:17-18) "But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you

The SR. ACRY MEMBERS THANK YOU! for supporting the Easter Basket Raffle. The winner of the Paschal Food Basket was Robin Gilchrist, the Decorative Easter Basket was won by Father Michael Zak and Shelly Price won the Childrens’ Basket. ACRY President Cathy Pawlik gives a Big "Thank You" to the ACRY Members for their generous donations in making these baskets beautiful and delicious. And, Thank you to our Chair and Co-Chairpersons Michele, John and Rachel Fedornock for taking on this fundraiser. Great Job! Thank you, Cathy Pawlik

FILL YOUR O.C.M.C. “COIN (AND BILL) BOX” DURING THE GREAT FAST TO MAKE DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS! The icon of Christ’s ‘Great Commission’ on the self-denial container reminds us of Christ’s command to make disciples of all nations

PASCHA CANDY SALE! Our church is taking orders for the 2023 Pascha/Easter Candy Sale. Anderson’s Candies will be our sponsor for our church’s fundraiser. The deadline for your order is March 19, 2023. The orders will be delivered on March 31st and will be available to pick up on April 1st and 2nd. You may give your orders to Cathy Pawlik or Patty Buck. Thank you for your support

A GRACIOUS THANK YOU LETTER FROM ST. CYRIL OF WHITE LAKE FOOD PANTRY: "Dear Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church, Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and Savior! Please accept our deepest thanks for your generous donations and prayers to help feed the Lord’s children in 2022. The food pantry and its staff thank you for your faithful support and are happy God has blessed this ministry to continue. We are looking for additional volunteers to help us grow our ministry this year. Please contact us if you are interested

Wednesday, March 01, 2023

    LENTEN RETREAT MINI-CAMP ON THE SECOND WEEKEND OF GREAT LENT, MARCH 10-12, 2023 FOR YOUNG DIOCESAN PEOPLE AGES 8-18 AT CAMP NAZARETH!  At this retreat our kids will have Christ at the center of everything they do.  They will be surrounded by God’s love and fed the food that will sustain them throughout the Lenten season and throughout their lives.  Fr

At this retreat our kids will have Christ at the center of everything they do.  They will be surrounded by God’s love and fed the food that will sustain them throughout the Lenten season and throughout their lives.  Fr

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