BUY PLENTY OF CHANCE TICKETS TODAY IN ADVANCE OF A GALA CHRISTMAS RAFFLE DRAWING ON JANUARY 7TH! The prizes are fabulous and consist of: A beautiful Lenox Candle and $255 worth of gift cards. Ticket prices are $5 for 8 tickets; $10 for 16 tickets and $20 for 32 tickets. If your ticket is drawn, you pick your prize! Seek out Pani Deborah who has all those lucky winning numbers in her possession. And, try to win a “present” for yourself at the Nativity Feast of Christ
CONGRATULATIONS! TO THE NEWLY ELECTED ACRY OFFICERS! President: Cathy Pawlik Vice President: John Fedornock, II Financial Secretary: Michele Hubert Recording Secretary: Lucy Tomko Auditors: Carol Dunn, Stephanie Kennedy, Andrea Labik, and Andrea Zober Sergeant of Arms: John Fedornock, III Publicity Director: Aliska Zak Sunshine Girl: Cheryl Tomko
The Senior ACRY Chapter #11 appreciates your support! The Sr. ACRY sends a heartfelt "Thank You" to everyone for supporting our Gertrude Hawk Candy Sale! (next sale: toothpaste & dental floss!)
ACRY ANNUAL DIOCESAN YEARBOOK! If you would like to see your name appear in this 2023 ACRY Yearbook, please see Michele Tomko. Patrons are $6.00; Boosters: $3.00; and, Memorial Listing: $6.00. This informative journal represents the activities of this past year and important calendar and contact information for you in the coming year. Thank you for your support
Saturday, November 19, 2022
There is such a strong demand for this Slavic delicacy, and we will try and please our customers during the upcoming Advent season. Please lend us your time, talents, and treasures as good stewards of St. Nicholas. Sign your name to the designated list, located on the display case in the gift shop. Saturday, December 16th from 1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. is the date and time that we will be making this “favorite” of Eastern European cuisine. Contact Jean Collantoni with your availability
Thursday, November 17, 2022
The St. Nicholas Charity Dinner benefits our Christ the Saviour Seminary in Johnstown, PA,and the clerics of the theological school. His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory shall be our Deanery’s “Guests of Honor” at the Banquet in this popular and elegant fine dining establishment in Monroeville, PA at: 4006 Berger Lane. Tickets are: $35 for Adults; $25 for Teens (Ages: 12-18); $10 for Kids (Ages 2-11). If anyone would like to sponsor a Seminarian (his wife or children), please notify Fr
Thursday, November 03, 2022
Register Here
Fr. R. Michael Zak will conduct a memorial service (Panachida) at the Cemetery Grotto for Veteran's Day on Friday, November 11th, at 10:00 am. Please come to the cemetery for the service and pay your respects to our Veterans. Memorial Day 2022 Thank you! Thomas Pingor, Council Preseident
Father R. Michael Zak conducted a Panachida service for our departed Veterans on Memorial Day, Monday, May 30, 2022 at 10:00 A.M. at the Saint Nicholas Cemetery in West Mifflin. Thank you to our parishioners who attended and paid their respects to our deceased St. Nicholas Veterans and our Color Guard. Father Michael also bless individual grave sites for the departed family members, as requested, by parishioners
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
SUPPORT CAMP NAZARETH BY PURCHASING THE NEWEST EDITION OF THE PANIS’ COOKBOOK IN OUR BOOK STORE, DOWNSTAIRS! This version of the cookbook, based on the original one of Panis preserving our time-tested recipes for future generations, is filled with new recipes of our esteemed “Mothers of the Parish” and say… "From the Kitchen of" and, have an asterisk in the content for the section and in the index. There is also a new section called Modify Recipes which
Monday, April 11, 2022
BECOME A PATRON ($10) OR BOOSTER ($5) FOR THE NATIONAL ACRY BOWLING TOURNAMENT COMMEMORATIVE! The Tournament will take place May 27-30. Michele Tomko will receive your gift
We Could Not Have Done it Without You!
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Online Chapel

2nd Thursday of Lent
Saints and Feasts Commemorated
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